Friday, May 30, 2008

What was that again?

I have the feeling i didn't quite get today's topic:

  • A night under the sun
    That sounds completely impossible

  • A night under: the Son
    Sounds like a vendetta-based trilogy

  • A Knight under: the Son
    Sounds like a Porno re-make of the aforementioned trilogy

  • A.Knight: Under the sun
    Sounds like a biography

  • A Knight under the sun
    Could only be about sweating like crazy in an armor

  • A night under the Son
    Sounds like every 16-year old village girl's dream come true

  • A Knight under the Son
    Now that is just plain disgusting

  • A.Knight: under the Son
    That would be the coming-out-of-the-closet biography.


Anonymous said...

OMG! WHAT has J the Wicked's influence done to you????!

whatmark said...

Whose topic was it anyway? i plead innocence - in every sense of the word.