Saturday, June 14, 2008

The man with 3 b***s?

Ok this is a Salute.

To a friend who risked life and limb to puruse a 12-year dream to ride from Delhi to Leh on a bullet. (Rumor has it, that he waited long so that he could grow enough body hair to withstand the cold. But that is a just rumor).

Anyway, to be completely fair to both him and his trusted bullet, i think it's fabulous that someone would have the determination and all the borderline signs of dementia to actually do this. (Rumor has it that the bullet has the determination, he shows the dementia.)

ok, we're digressing.

So here's raising a toast to the quick and the brave. Ladies, Gentlemen, and Yaks of all ages, do join me a round of applause for the one and only: Mr. Hetch.

PS: the title is only temporary. and it does not stand for b-u-l-l-s, you imbecile!
Any suggestions?


Sue said...

I agree totally.

Dementia is conducive to living life on the edge and Hetch is as demented as they get. :)

whatmark said...

alright sue, now how about a title idea?

Hari said...

{Takes a big bow. And says an even bigger "Thank You"}

Hari said...

As for the 3 B***s, yes it's true. I fell off my bike recently and cracked one.

Sue said...

Hetch-hiker and his horse.(and by that I mean his bullet and nothing else.)

The demented hetch-hiker?

the bullet, the balls and the boners - Hetch's trip to the mountains.

Hey, this is too much pressure. A creative director asking a non-creative, non-copywriter to come with a title for his posts. I hand it back to you.

pratsywildchild said...

hey how abt " dont count your chicks before they hetch" for a title?

pratsywildchild said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
whatmark said...


Hari said...

I like that one! Guard your chicks and beware of Hetch! So true! So true!

Sue said...

hetch is loving all this attention, isn't he...he sure didn't get it from the chicks in the mountains :)