Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Doctor Crunchy!

Walked in to a doctor's office.

the first thing that told me to run was that he looked just like the head scientist from the Bingo commercials.

Anyway i stayed.

He then asked me, "You are from India only aah?"

"yes of course" i replied meekly.

Holding back the more venomous
"Why? Haven't you seen an Indian who looks like a bloody Indian before?"

Again i should have run, but i stayed.

Then he sticks the thermometer in my armpit and after two minutes of smiling at me
with a mix of pity and kindness, he took the thermometer back.

His face lit up as he almost-proudly announced.


Now that was something neither my Math lecturers nor my English lecturers never able to say to me!

Yes he was proud of me.

I should have run but i stayed.

Then he slapped me with a 300 rupee bill! (i already paid 50 bucks for registration).

Three minutes later I walked out laughing out loud. At him. At myself.

And it was all worth it. If ever laughter was the best medicine, it was right then.

I'm glad i stayed.


Anonymous said...

Lol! must've been that 'Bingo' moment!!:D . Good one!

whatmark said...

Totally! i almost waited a second extra for him to pull me cheek and say "crunchy!"

Paradox Philic said...

Ha ha ... kind of reminded me of my day in the hospital...
How come these doctor visits turn into scripts for comedy sitcoms??

Sudhir Pai said...

ha ha ha!
speaking of academics, the only test where I've consistently scored an A+ is my blood test! [;)]

whatmark said...

good one sudhir! Gimme a Pai!